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Modern HTML & CSS for Beginners

Modern HTML & CSS for Beginners

Modern HTML & CSS for Beginners provides a comprehensive foundation for web development, teaching the essential building blocks of web design. This course covers HTML structure, including tags, attributes, and semantic elements, alongside CSS styling techniques to enhance layout and design.

Participants learn how to create responsive websites using Flexbox and CSS Grid, along with mastering modern design principles such as typography, color theory, and animation. The course also explores best practices for web accessibility and SEO optimization.

By the end of the course, beginners will be able to design visually appealing, user-friendly websites that are responsive and mobile-ready.


Understanding how the web works
Setting up the development environment
Basics of HTML and CSS: Creating your first webpage
Forms: Input fields, buttons, and form attributes
Semantic HTML
Common elements: Headings, paragraphs, links, images, and lists
Forms: Input fields, buttons, and form attributes
Understanding the Box Model
Selectors, Properties, and Values
Colors, Fonts, and Typography
Margins, Padding, and Borders
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